
The “I Did It” List


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On days when even a To Do list seems too hard, an “I Did It” list is more appropriate.

Today was one of those days. It started out great, but around lunchtime, my brain stopped cooperating and started a rebellious coup aka A HEADACHE.

I left work early and went to bed.  Obviously, a To Do list never really happened.

So here’s my I Did It list for today (because it’s better to look at the bright side):

  1. Face care =self care. I put on a face today.  It felt good.
  2. Went to work.
  3. Went home. I acknowledged my needs and took care of myself.
  4. Face care…yep some more of that cause a clean, soft face feels good.
  5. Chatted with an online friend.  Electronic friends still count if they are good people.
  6. Turned off the TV. It wasn’t serving a good purpose.
  7. Shared my inadequacies honestly. Owning my true self is good for me.
  8. Hit the Publish button on my blog before I could chicken out.  If you can read this, I did it!

Messy, Moody Mama

My name is Tiffany and I’m a middle aged mom of an adult son. I’ve been using the online screen name mama2moody since he was an infant. Now he’s almost 23 and it is still the name I use. Doesn’t that speak volumes to how we moms identify?

Really though, the double entendre of the screen name fits me because I struggle with depression and anxiety. I’m also a born messy. For the past 15 years, I’ve followed The Slob Sisters, Flylady, and newcomers Marie Kondo and Nony at A Slob Comes Clean. Overcoming depression, anxiety and messiness is a huge part of my life so I’ll share more of that in days to come but today I am most excited about my newest addiction-subscription boxes!

I will review each box separately but I currently subscribe to :




Glossy box

Dollar shave club


Walmart in classic and trendsetter

Target beauty box


Yes, that’s too many and I’ll have to cancel but first I have to decide.